Welcome to Kalispell Rotary Youth Basketball. This is a high quality program and our hope is to create a positive experience for all those involved, both in terms of teaching solid basketball skills and in building strong character. The goal is to provide a learning environment while having fun in the process. Past years’ experiences have taught us how to better accomplish these goals. As parents and relatives/friends, you are important to the success of this program and the quality of your child’s experience. Your role should be as follows:
- Facility care: Rotary does not own any gym facility. We have been blessed with gym facilities through the ongoing support of schools in School District 5, St. Matt’s, Linderman, and the Summit. Please help maintain these facilities by monitoring the participants, keeping children with you and cleaning area, if necessary, after each use. Please do not allow your children to run free in other parts of the school.
- Occasionally, we receive calls nearing 4 p.m. regarding a conflict with the facility, i.e. scheduled school dance, book fair, etc. Such situations limit gym use and complicate practice & game times. In the event of such a situation, we will make every effort to reschedule, contact the coach(es), remind them to, in turn, contact parents/players with the latest information. Should an issue occur, we apologize in advance.
- 3. Rotary referees are extremely dedicated to the program. We try to mix newer referees with experienced referees so we can train officials and still have a well reffed game. At the rotary level, it is important to remind you, as spectators, that each game is viewed as a learning experience. The referees call the game accordingly.
- Support all participants. The rotary program is designed to encourage young players. Positive spectator support at games is appreciated by every player on both teams.
- Your feedback is welcomed. If you have suggestions for improving this program, we would encourage you to contact any of us.
- Punctuality is important in light of limited facility use. Please have your player arrive on time to practices and games, as well as, picking up your player in a timely manner. This is a team sport, so be conscientious of the team schedule to contribute to the success of the team.
- Model good sportsmanship. The coaches are all volunteering their time & talent for the benefit of the team. It is important to appreciate their commitment to your child and support them.
- Refrain from criticizing referees or coaches. Disruptive feedback may lead to removal of a fan. Since sportsmanship is a key goal of the program, anyone who is asked to leave a game by the referees or Rotary program leadership, will not be allowed in gyms for any future Rotary games. In the event of concerns, on any level, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]. We will put forth our best effort to rectify any issues.
Resources for Parents
Gym Locations
Driving Directions, access tips, and gym-specific instructions.
Official Rules
Official rules of Kalispell Rotary Youth Basketball for all age groups.